Blessing Youth Mission
R. Stanley is a postgraduate Building Engineer turned Bible Teacher from Tamil Nadu India, in the pulpit ministry since 1963.
My birthplace is too small to be marked on the map of India. Situated near the southern tip of the country, it was named as Nazareth by the early missionaries when the villagers turned to Christian masse. We also have a Bethlehem and a Jerusalem close by. The Anglican Church with its bottle-shaped steeple is central to the life of the community. From time immemorial two morning and one evening services have been conducted daily in this Church, one of them being a communion service. There are five main streets in this small town. Daddy Mr. G. Rajamani came from the second street and mummy Mrs. Anbu Rajamani from the fourth street. I was born in the third street known as the Queen Street where we owned a small house.
About The Author

Brother Stanley is an Indian Postgraduate Building Engineer, from IIT Chennai, turned Bible Teacher. His spoken and written materials are Rich in Biblical content, Sound in Doctrine, Balanced in emphasis and Down-to-Earth practical. All through his ministerial years he has been writing, mostly to edify God’s people. He has authored over 30 books, of which his 432-page Daily Devotional, BETTER EVERYDAY and 416-page PRAYER EVERYDAY are classics. He is the founder of the Blessing Youth Mission in 1971 and retired from the administrative leadership in 2003.