About us

Welcome  to THEOPHONY – Your Trusted source for inspiring church radio, Podcast Ministry and Christian Television Programming.


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At Theophony, we are dedicated to spreading the message of faith, hope, and love to the global Christian community through the power of radio podcasts and television. With a passion for ministry and a commitment to serving Christians worldwide, we have become a beacon of light in the digital landscape.

Our Values


We want to serve our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His church with the gifts and talents that He has granted unto us to the best of the ability He has given us.


Our Mission is to compliment, enhance, and serve the overall ministries of the church and work in unity with the church`s vision through video, audio, and Internet so that the Lord is glorified. (Amos 3:3; Matt.18:19; Rom.15:5; Gal.5:13; Eph.4:3; Col.1:25; 1 Peter 4:10-11).


The Media team would provide services worthy of the worship of Jesus Christ. We will accomplish this goal by utilizing prayer, planning, preparation and practice while keeping our priorities of God, family and church in order. We will seek how to best serve every ministry with media and technology to help facilitate bringing people to know Jesus, helping people to grow in Jesus.


Promote the gospel of Truth to all nations (1Chron.16:24; Ps.67:2; Ps.96:3; Matt.28:19; Mark 13:10; Luke 24:47; Acts 1:8) Provide means of equipping the saints for the works of service (Eph.4:12; 2 Tim.3:16-17; Heb.13:21) Encourage, motivate, and edify each other (Eph.4:12; Eph.4:29; 1 Thess.5:11) Serve as an instrument of worship and ministry (Isa 61:1; Num.4:12; Acts 9:15)

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